Xiaguan Tuocha Tea
Formerly founded in 1941 as Yunnan Xiaguan Tea Factory, Yunnan Xiaguan Tuocha Tea (Group) Co., Ltd is located in Xiaguan, Dali, Famous for its scenic beauty and pleasant climate. In 1950s, dozens of tea firms, big or small, which were founded in the early 20th century in the region of Dali, fully integrated into Xiaguan Tea Factory through public-private partnerships. The excellent ecological environment of the area of the Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake and exquisite tea processing technique and artistry inherited from generation to generation in Dali region have endowed Xiaguan Tuocha (a dome-shaped-bowl tea) with outstanding quality by providing it unsurpassed conditions. Currently with advanced tea processing equipment in the world and a large number of professionals and technical personnel and management talents, the Company has become one of the key leading enterprises in the State Agriculture Industrialization as well as in the State Poverty Alleviation Program. It is also the state designated enterprise for production and reservation of raw materials of Border-sale Tea. In 2007 the company was accredited by the ministry of agriculture as a Sub-center for state Tea Processing Technology Research and Development