Black Sticky Maize

Black Sticky Maize

Qibei Boyu Food Company Limited is the leading enterprise of the agriculture industrialization of Yunnan Province. Established in January 2014, the company focuses on the processing and preservation of agriculture products such as black sticky maize, wild mushrooms and vegetables etc. The company has the license of import and export. The registered trademark of the company “Lushanye” is the famous brand in Yunnan Province. The company currently has two processing lines for green food preservation (20000 tons per year) and the black sticky maize (2000 tons per year), and a 3000 mu of farming basis for the black sticky maize planting, which was awarded as the “National Demonstrative Farm for Modern Agriculture Technology”. Take the advantage of the exposition platforms such as the South Asian Countries Commodity Fair, the Agriculture Exposition and the series of introduction activities for Yunnan highland products, the products of the company has been sold to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macao, United States, Dubai and Malaysia etc. countries and cities, and has got good reputations in oversea consumers and clients. The markets of the products have covered the provincial market with Kunming as the center, the eastern China market with Shanghai as the center, the overseas market with Dubai as the center and the south China market with Fuzhou as the center.