Yunnan Pinhutang
as a hi-tech share company focuses on the whole production line development of dendrobe, Pinhutang is taking the lading position in Chinese dendrobe industry. Extended from the planting, the company has developed in the whole industrial chain of planting, processing, producing and selling. The company has 4000mu of GAP planting basis in Zhenan Dam National Forest Protection Area, Stone Slop of Yangmei Mountain Longshan Township, and Banhuan Village of Longjiang Township. Cooperated with local government the company also contribute to the agriculture development and poverty alleviation through the model of “company + farmers”. Local government will monitory the planting together with the company to guarantee the benefits of farmers. The raw materials of the iron dendrobe products all come from the plating basis of Pinhutang and the contract farmers. The biological high quality fresh dendrobe stems are selected carefully by hands and dried naturally to be masters’ products. The inspection has approved that the polysaccharide contains of the products of Pinhutang is higher than the national standards.